Why I’m Blogging

Willy Lee
2 min readMar 16, 2021

Hi All, my name is Willy. I am a 25-year old that works in Consulting. I know… pretty generic. Consulting has been a fun journey for me but it doesn’t always appeal to my analytical side.

Weirdly enough, being analytical as a consultant is good but being too good at it can hinder your career. You have to do this weird balancing act of showing you can do advanced analytics but not letting onto the fact that you are a coder. The reason is that being on the consulting side of services means that your value comes from your strategy and ability to sell work to clients. Getting too into the weeds of things doesn’t help you do either of those desired skills — people actually hold it against you because they think that being analytical and big picture are opposites on a binary.

“The more analytical you are, the less potential you have as a salesperson and leader.”

This makes it hard for me since I am someone that is fascinated by coding and analytics. I wouldn’t want it to ever replace my job as a consultant… I like being a consultant way more than being a coder… but I don’t want my main job as a consultant to get in the way of my Computer and Data Science interests.

That is why I am making this blog! Blogging helps me learn things since coding doesn’t come naturally to me. My pattern recognition is really good but seeing patterns and learning content are two very different things. If asked, I can write entire programs or websites in a few days (given it is the only thing I am focused on). But ask me to do it again and I am just as slow as the first time I did it.

“Cramming CS Projects doesn’t help me learn.”

I want to use this blog as a method to slow down and think about the components of my projects. People say that teaching is the best way for you to learn and I am hoping that writing guides on this blog will help me slow down and think about the code I am writing. I’m going to try and break down project steps and obstacles into the smallest steps possible. Fingers crossed that it will help with knowledge retention and with my overall experience.

My blog will focus on my CS interests which are the following:

  1. Web Scraping
  2. Data Analytics
  3. Twitch/Discord Bots
  4. Web Development
  5. Web Design
  6. Game Modding (Don’t Starve Together & Pokemon)

I’ll try and do projects in these categories and document my work in the form of tutorials so people are able to read and learn from them. This will hopefully give back to the communities I love and also help me learn along the way. If anyone ends up reading these blog posts feel free to leave comments and feedback.

This endeavor is definitely more for my personal growth but I’ll do my best to make tutorials accurate and helpful rather than confusing. It is the least you can do when you put something out into the internet marked as “Tutorial”.

